
My photo
My adventures in the Early Childhood Studies program at Walden University have been both challenging and rewarding. I am looking forward to another challenging and rewarding experience! The pictures are of me with my son and with my daughters.

April 20, 2012

Professional Hopes and Goals

     My hope working with children and families from diverse backgrounds is to play an active role in making the playing field level so every child has an equal opportunity to reach his or her fullest potential.  I hold the vision that every child and family can be empowered to recognize diversity as an enrichment and use opportunities to learn from one another.  Stereotypes, microaggressions, and the “-isms” can and will be recognized as well as the role each person plays to perpetuate these unfair and biased attitudes.  Children and families will be empowered to advocate and work to diminish inequities and become active participants making society more equitable for all children.

     A goal I would like to set for the early childhood field is that awareness of diversity, microaggressions, and the “-isms” becomes common knowledge.  This can be accomplished by targeting awareness on all levels, including early childhood programs, the school systems, and adults.  Education of the general public so that the “-isms, and diversity become common knowledge involves participation of the media and technology used by children and adults.  The media, technology, and education curriculums on all levels will be targeted as instrumental in achieving equity and social justice so that every child may reach their full potential.

     I do not feel I can be brief in expressing my gratitude to my colleagues in this class.  We have shared personal stories and private emotions with each other.  We have touched each other’s lives.  I have grown and become so much more sensitive not only to the pain microaggressions cause but also to the joy of embracing diversity.  My circle of friends has become more diverse and I am able to form deeper and fuller relationships.  Thank you for helping me gain an understanding of the day to day trials and tribulations of implementing diversity in early childhood settings.  Thank you for helping to grow alongside each of you!  


  1. Joey,
    You are so right. These eight weeks have been a combination of individual ad group therapy. Many, many personal stories and private emotions have been shared. I am grateful for your honest stories through the discussion boards and the blogs. I can only imagine the depth in the Reflective Journals and Apps!!

  2. The story we shared and the depth of our experiences as relayed through our blog postings and discussion board postings and comments have been wonderful learning experience for me as well. That my teaching has improved as a result is the more reason I am equally grateful to all of you dear colleagues.

  3. Joey,
    I have enjoyed this journey and am too grateful to be able express emotions and thoughts that would help me move forward in my knowledge of diversity. Thank you for sharing and offering insight into topics that touched our hearts and minds.

  4. I have enjoyed this course with you and I appreciate you sharing your personal thoughts and stories. I believe we truly grow when we are able to learn and share with other individuals in the early childhood field. Thank you!Good luck in your future courses and in all that you do!

