
My photo
My adventures in the Early Childhood Studies program at Walden University have been both challenging and rewarding. I am looking forward to another challenging and rewarding experience! The pictures are of me with my son and with my daughters.

April 15, 2011

Ideals and Reflections

I-4.6 To promote knowledge and understanding of young children and their needs. To work toward greater societal acknowledgment of children’s rights and greater social acceptance of responsibility for the well-being of all children.
I-1.2 To base program practices upon current knowledge and research in the field of early childhood education, child development, and related disciplines, as well as on particular knowledge of each child.
I-2.7 To share information about each child’s education and development with families and to help them understand and appreciate the current knowledge base of the early childhood profession. (naeyc)

NAEYC states the primary focus of the Code of Ethics is on daily practice. Daily practice or, as Renatta M Cooper coined - “how I want to move through the world” is clarified by the ideals that are the most meaningful to me and help define the focus of my professional goals . Research is very important to me because it provides proof, or validates a theory. Ideal I-1.2 speaks to the importance of implementing research into ECE programs. I will incorporate this into my professional life by ensuring that college students I plan to teach have an understanding of research as it applies to educational and developmental programs as well as the statistical evidence of the long term benefits for society. I am particularly drawn to the statement, knowledge of each child. We must never lose sight of the individual! I will instruct college students, as I did my staff when I ran my child care center - know each child. A simple yet complex task. This thought is enhanced by Ideal I-4.6. The importance of understanding children and their needs begins on an individual level. I am committed to teaching students how to recognize and meet the needs of each child. Ideal I-2.7 speaks of my responsibility to promote the well-being of all children. I will ensure college students grasp the importance of sharing information beginning with families to work toward greater societal acknowledgement of responsibility for the well-being of all children. Parents have a right to participate in their child’s education and developmental programs. I plan to stress the importance of parental involvement for the sake of the parents, but more importantly because of the huge impact it has on the child. Parents and family members can be empowered to become great advocates for their children.

Self reflection:

I have struggled with self reflection because my passion has led me back to a field with so much opportunity for growth. I am able to see the need and potential for leadership and advocacy. Research has produced a dollar figure on the value of investing in early childhood development and education. There is great potential to make great contributions to this field. However, I must be realistic about where I can be most beneficial. I am gaining confidence that I will be an excellent teacher in a community college. At this stage of my life if I can light a spark in my students to pursue a career that involves being a professional, a leader and an advocate I will consider that I have done a good job.

Don’t hide your candle
Linda Likins

Take pride in what you know and have humility about what you don’t know
Gina Adams

Don’t emulate people you associate with, just learn from them………”
Dick Clifford


  1. Hello Joey,
    The ideal you posted about sharing information with families is one I value as well. I also liked what you said about "knowing each child", when we do so, and share with families our knowledge of child development/best practices, we are able to truly collaborate withe the family to support them on their educational journeys.

    I believe you will be successful at the community college level and I feel the time we are spending in our program here at Walden is going to support us very well on our way to achieving our goals.

    Your quote from Dick Clifford is a good one, I pray that I can take something away from each person I come across and learn from him/her. Others have so much to offer and we must remain open to learning all we can. I continue to wish you the best,

  2. Thank you Julie1
    You have been very supportive. I wish you the very best!
    We have formed a good base to continue supporting each other throughout our studies.

  3. Joey, I feel that each week goes by, I am gaining more confidence in myself to be a positive advocate for children also. After revieing your work over the last couple of weeks, I feel that you will gain the confidence that you are seeking and you will be great at what your heart desires.

  4. Hi Joey,
    It has been enjoyable reading your blog. You have a beautiful family, who I'm sure are very proud of you. Thank you for sharing your childhood web; I think that was one of my favorite weekly assignments. It was touching to read all of the sweet posts of everyone's important people in their lives. I wish you the best in the upcoming classes and hope we can share time in class again.

  5. Joey,
    I have really enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you for posting the pictures of your family, I am sure they are proud of you on your journey. I hope to see you in future classes and thank you for your support.

  6. Joey,
    I agree that we have to obtain knowledge of each child and create experiences for each individual! You are correct that you will be making a great contribution to EC by inspiring future professionals! Good Luck!

  7. Joey,
    I wanted to thank you for all your positive feedback and comments during this course. i was very stressed at the beginning, especially reading we had to create a blog. As the weeks went on, the feedback from you and our other colleagues made my stress level go down and feel like maybe I should give myself little more credit. I have also enjoyed reading your posts and thoughts during this course. It helps a great deal to get someone else's view point on the same topic. Wish you luck during the rest of our journey and hope to see you in another course.

  8. Hi Joey,

    For starters tell your son I said congratulations on completing basic military training. Job well done!! Over these eight weeks I have enjoyed exchanging thoughts and responses about information that deals with the nature of our course. As I have read all comments that you posted, you NEVER criticized any individual in any way. You come across as a very "user friendly" person with a sweet spirit. I appreciate the dedication you have shown throughout this course for you have instilled a few qualities in me by leading by example. Thank you for the kind words, thoughts and concerns that you have shared and I hope to meet you again!! Be blessed!
