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My adventures in the Early Childhood Studies program at Walden University have been both challenging and rewarding. I am looking forward to another challenging and rewarding experience! The pictures are of me with my son and with my daughters.

February 16, 2013

Jobs Roles in the ECE Community:  Internationally

         This week I explored the International Step by Step Association (ISSA) website.  I chose this website because the association is concerned with quality care for children and advocates for equal access to education for all children (International Step By Step Association, n.d.).  The approach ISSA implements for early childhood development are based on allowing children to make choices with an emphasis on peer interaction.  ISSA reaches out to those for which quality childcare is not available.  A very attractive service offered by ISSA is to train adults in parenting skills, which coincides with my Capstone Project (International Step By Step Association, n.d.).  ISSO has many resources available to members; however I was not able to locate employment availability.

         Next I explored the Save the Children website.  I was encouraged to learn the tremendous work this organization performs globally.  Save the Children helps communities to reorganize and rebuild after tragedy strikes.  This organization also concentrates on providing assistance to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the early years of their babies’ lives (Save the Children, 2013).  The organization seeks health care workers on a global basis to assist in decreasing the number of deaths in children less than five years of age (Save the Children, 2013).  There are many opportunities for careers with Save the Children. I research a job opening in Washington D.C.: Information and Documentation Specialist, Education and Child Development, which is part of the International Program.  This job entails global marketing for early childhood programs as well as coordination and distribution of information.  Qualifications include the ability to write and edit as well as layout and publication (Save the Children, 2013). My educational and work experience meets the job requirements, but I have no experience publishing.  The website also highlighted 43 other job openings, six of which were related to child development and literacy.  The job I found most appealing because of the job responsibilities is Early Childhood Coordinator for the Early Steps to School Success Program located in West Virginia. This program utilizes home visiting to address developmental activities, health issues, and parenting skills from birth to age five to ensure a smooth transition when children enter school (Save the Children, 2013).  I am qualifies for this position, especially based on my educational background and social work experience that involved home visiting as well as working with a variety of government agencies.  The successful applicant must live in the community which would entail relocating.

         I also explored the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) website because my communication partner from a previous class shared with me the many contributions UNICEF made to his county of Benin, Africa, such as installing indoor plumbing (Claudio, 2011). UNICEF, a global organization, works for the betterment of children and carries out the philosophy of helping all children develop to their fullest capability.  A main goal of UNICEF is to improve the living condition and lives of those living in poverty (United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), n.d.).  The website featured a temporary appointment for an Education Specialist (Emergencies) in Bamako, Mali.  Qualifications include knowledge of and experience in complex emergencies.  I do not have that knowledge or experience.  Although I retrieved this information from the website on February 15, 2013 I do not know how current it is since the dead line to apply expired. 

         Reflecting on the various websites and job openings I explored, the most appealing job is the Early Childhood Coordinator position offered by Save the Children.  I am regretful that a move to West Virginia would take me further away from my children and family.  I am encouraged by the wonderful work accomplished by every organization and am hopeful a position with Save the Children will become available in closer proximity to my present location.    


Claudio. (2011). Retrieved from personal e-mail

International Step By Step Association. (n.d.). Retrieved February 15, 2013, from

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2013, from


  1. Joey,
    I would also like to be a part of the Save the Children organization, I pray for them. I have seen their work and visited with the director in Guinea and know that they are accomplishing many good things.
    Thank you for your discussions and blogs.

  2. Hi Joey,

    Thank you for sharing these wonderful organizations with us. I had thought about using UNICEF because I feel it is a worthwhile organization that helps many young children. By helping children around the world to find their optimal learning potential and how to use that new knowldge, UNICEF is changing their futures.

    I also enjoyed reading about the Save the Children Organization and I agree they are a important organization that helps millions. The job that you posted sounds very interesting. By conducting home visits, you would have the opportunity to change a family's life forever.

