
My photo
My adventures in the Early Childhood Studies program at Walden University have been both challenging and rewarding. I am looking forward to another challenging and rewarding experience! The pictures are of me with my son and with my daughters.

October 29, 2011

Learning about the International Early Childhood Field
     Exchanging information about the early childhood field with international conversation partners has been a learning experience as well as an experience that has broadened my professional growth. My conversation partner from Benin, Africa teaches English to first and third grade students and my conversation partner from Christchurch, New Zealand teaches fifth grade and has a daughter that attends a preschool program. One consequence of corresponding with my partners is that I learned about the effect their governments have on the education system in their country. My conversation partner in New Zealand wrote, “The government believes that a centre can employ people who do not hold qualifications….The current government has been cutting operational grants to early childhood teacher…..The government has slashed funding to centres to encourage to hire less qualified …….” (Mary, 2011). My conversation partner in Benin wrote, “about the school system in Benin, there is subsidy granted by governments to both public and private schools. However, that subsidy is insufficient……in BENIN leaders don't have in mind the issue of Development". They are very corrupted and don't think of the lives of the peoples……..” (Claudio, 2011). Another consequence was that I learned that in New Zealand children with diverse learning abilities are included in the classroom with no emphasis placed on the differences in learning styles. A third consequence was that I heard first hand about the extreme poverty and devastating health issues that exist in Benin. Many programs such as UNICEF provide assistance and aid to the country. Students in third grade are taught about sexually transmitted disease because of the prevalence of Aids.
     The most important consequence and goal that I developed during “conversations” with my foreign partners is to maintain an on-going communication for continued sharing and learning from each other. My professional network is now global and includes professional friends from very different parts of the world.


Claudio, (9/2011). Retrieved from personal e-mail

Mary, (9/2011). Retrieved from personal e-mail.


  1. I agree with your consequence and goal of keeping the conversation going. I found it to be difficult to get answers promptly. It was a learning experience!

  2. Joey,

    I read and responded to your blog weekly,and I learned a lot of information through your international contacts about the education and way of living in those countries. You did a wonderful job sharing information about the other countries. Thank you very much for the information you shared with the class Joey.
